How to maintain work-life balance?

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” —Dolly Parton, singer You come home from the office after a long day. You barely speak to your friends or partner. You again open your laptop and immerse yourself in office work. Sound familiar? This is most of us today! Never have been an instance in human history, that our personal and work lives are so intertwinedmore

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How to lead a life with less distractions to achieve more Productivity?

The advancements made in the technological field has done amazing wonders to our lives. We could find out what’s happening around the world sitting in our homes just by scrolling on our phones, you could order your favorite food from a restaurant by just a click of a button, you could interact with your loved ones anytime, no matter where they are in the world. It’s amazing how far wemore

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