How to break bad habits or addictions with a simple trick?

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle Every night for the last few months, I used to crawl into my bed and open my iPad to binge on something. This had become such an autopilot activity, it was seamless. I had no control and many a time I was up until 1 AM. My morning routine took a big hit due to this. I made a subtle change a few weeksmore

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Never too late

It is never too late to be what you might have been – George Eliot Have you wondered what is the single stand-out difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones? They “act” on their ideas. It does not matter if they are 35 years old or even 65!! There is no such thing as the right time. There is only doing and not doing. We want to do so many things but we put themmore

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Attitude is your biggest trait

“Your success does not define you and neither does your failures. Your attitude during the both do” I am an optimistic person. I truly believe you could change the things for better.  Suppose you are interviewing for a vacancy at your company. This job requires the person to be good at communications, handle things well with a customer, and be a firefighter on most occasions. Theremore

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How to not go broke in your 30s?

“Stop making debt and going broke and calling that “living”. That’s not living, it’s lying.” – Michelle Walker-Wade Personal finance is one of the important aspects of our lives. If you have to be successful in your life, then you would have to take care of your finances. Often many people neglect this part of their lives and only in their later half of livesmore

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Choose your viewing content carefully

As per the statistics, there are 4.1 billion internet users in the world as of December 2018. People spend an average of 5 hours per week shopping online.  Content has been at the center of our lives these days. The advancements in technology and the affordable data prices have made sure that we are streaming content like never before. Gone are the days when we had to think so much aboutmore

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Why materialism and consumerism is ruining our generation?

“The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.” – Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club. It’s that time of the year. The most celebrated festivals in India are upon us. But they are not the ones we are looking forward to. What else then? We are eagerly waiting for the Great Indian Festival sale and The Big Billion Daymore

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How to maintain work-life balance?

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” —Dolly Parton, singer You come home from the office after a long day. You barely speak to your friends or partner. You again open your laptop and immerse yourself in office work. Sound familiar? This is most of us today! Never have been an instance in human history, that our personal and work lives are so intertwinedmore

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A healthy mind in a healthy body

“A healthy mind in a healthy body”. – Roman Poet Juvenal We have all heard of this age-old adage. We all know the benefits of regular exercise. But why is it that we still do not live by this practice? I struggle with this. Whenever I go to the gym, I feel more energetic throughout the day. But I don’t do it consistently. I am consciously trying to change this and be moremore

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Reading – The No.1 habit of successful people

“The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn’t know how to read.” – Benjamin Franklin I remember the first time I read a book (apart from my academic books of course! ). I was maybe 8 years old and it was a book about Ants. I had to read it for an extracurricular exam. It was a very small book. And I finished it in a week or so. I got tomore

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