Consistency – The mantra for Success

The start of this year, I wanted to lose a few pounds. At this same time, my colleagues came up with a bet amongst ourselves – whoever hits the agreed-upon goal, wins the bet and the loser has to pay the winner 1k. This was just the motivation I needed. I went ahead and paid for a 3-month gym membership and started my goal enthusiastically. 3 months rolled by and we all lined up to checkmore

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How to lead a life with less distractions to achieve more Productivity?

The advancements made in the technological field has done amazing wonders to our lives. We could find out what’s happening around the world sitting in our homes just by scrolling on our phones, you could order your favorite food from a restaurant by just a click of a button, you could interact with your loved ones anytime, no matter where they are in the world. It’s amazing how far wemore

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Why you should not have resolutions for 2019?

We all want to be better than what we are today. We want to have a healthier lifestyle, we want to crush our goals and we want to be on top of our finances. How often do we wait for a new year to chalk down a new set of resolutions? And how often do we fail to keep up? I have done the same mistake in the past. I have made quite a few resolutions at the beginning of the year, tried to conquer themmore

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How to get better everyday?

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step – Chinese proverb This is probably one of the oldest and meaningful proverbs we have all heard. If you ever tried to run a half marathon or a full marathon or even asked an athlete who has done it, “Did the distance seem daunting at the start?” and you would have received “Yes” more often than not. But once theymore

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Get out of your Comfort Zone

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life – Muhammad Ali Most of us do not like the idea of changing something very easily. It just doesn’t come quite natural to us. Humans are mostly habitual creatures. We create a certain comfort zone in our lives and we seldom like doing something to get out of it. Although there is nothing inherently wrong withmore

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Change is good

Have you ever experienced if you take a different route to your work than the usual one, you feel to notice a lot more of your surrounding? If you get up in the morning and feel like trying a different coffee than the usual? If you go to the gym and feel like not working out but a lot more excited to go out biking? Just notice the pattern here. Your mind and body always try to look for a changemore

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How to make your own luck?

The meaning of luck as per Oxford dictionary is – “Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions”. We have all been influenced by luck at some point in our lives. Some of us believe highly in the hand luck plays in our lives and few not so much. It’s not uncommon to put our belief in luck, I mean it does play some role inmore

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Invest in Yourself

Most of us feel the need to be connected. After all, humans are social animals and we want to be connected with the people around us. We seek approval and validation of the people all the time. We hold these attributes at a very high level and quite often we feel dejected if nobody approves of us. This can be a good quality to try and get people to notice us. But at times it often takes a lot outmore

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Podcasts – Getting most out of your leisure time

I am sure most of you have pondered over this question, “How best can I use my leisure time?”. We have all been guilty of binge-watching Netflix, Youtube or some other social media content which doesn’t help us flex our productive brain muscle. We usually plug headphones during a commute or workout and listen to music which isn’t that productive. Don’t get me wrongmore

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